Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Lets  reflect today on what we want from our lives.
We all know for a fact that we will one day return to that very same soil from where we came.
There is nothing new, we struggle,slog,laugh,cry, all for what.?For a little body that shall perish.?
Maybe our close ones will remember us for a couple of days, and then.?and then what.?We are all forgotten...

We all have the power to achieve anything and everything we want and make this trip of ours on earth a memorable one.But the only constraint is our mind.
The mind fore-runs deeds;
Mind is the chief,
and surprisingly, they are all mind made.

Concerning the latent energy contained in the phenomena of consciousness, i.e. in thoughts, feelings, desires, we discover that its potentiality is even more immeasurable, more boundless.
From personal experience, from observations, from history, we know that ideas, feelings, desires, manifesting themselves, can liberate enormous quantities of energy, and create infinite series of phenomena.
An idea can act for centuries and milleniums and only grows and deepens,evoking ever new series of phenomena, liberating ever-fresh energy.

We know that thoughts continue to live and act even when the very name of the man who created them has been converted to myth,like the names of the founders of mortal poetical works of antiquity-heroes, leaders and prophets. Their words are  repeated on innumerable lips, their ideas are studied and commented upon..

Undoubtedly each thought of a poet contains  enormous potential force, like the power confined in a piece of coal or a living cell,but infinitely more subtle, imponderable and potent.

Thus we shall all train our minds to break worthless illusions and feed our it with matter that shall make our living more fruitful..Happy living..!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We have two voices running in our conscious minds unknowingly.

One voice is straining at the leash,eager to spring forwards and achieve all good adjectives that the dictionary holds.
The other voice is the leash itself.

One voice says 'give me a chance and  I will prove myself.
The other voice says, 'prove yourself first and maybe then u will have your chance'.
We still have a choice-
We can either live in the optimism of our hearts,
or lurk in the skepticism of our minds.

One voice WANTS and the other voice HOPES.
One voice  leads and the other wants to follow.

The powerful voice has a faith in success which is far greater than the fear of failure.

We all have the capacity to get up and dust ourselves even after a fall.
Its all before us,we just need to pick the voice of our choice..

One soul is looking at the ditch and hesitating and
the other soul looks up at the sky and says, 'ITS TIME TO FLY'....