Saturday, June 25, 2011


( This blog is an attempt to say that sometimes, somethings, just die off....maybe its the actual death of a person, someone's words and promises or even emotions. But its does not matter, because one day, everything that began has to end. I hope I m able to get my point across.)

      The long loved goodness and 'joy' died where manhood's morning almost touches noon and this happened while the shadows were still falling towards the west.
        While yet in love with life and raptures with the world, this joy passed to silence and pathetic dust.
Yet, after all, it maybe best, just in the happiest, sunniest, hour of all the voyage, while eager winds are touching each sail, to dash against the unseen rock and in an instant hear the billows roar above a sunken ship. Whether in mid-sea or among the breakers of the father shore, a wreck at last must mark the end of each and all. And every life, no matter if its hour is rich with love and every moment jeweled with joy, will, at its close, become a tragedy as sad and deep and dark as can be woven of the wrap and woof of mystery and death.
         Life is a narrow vale between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities. We strive in vain to look beyond the heights. We cry aloud, and the only answer is the echo of our wailing cry. From the voiceless lips of the unreplying dead there comes no word; but in the night of death, hope sees a star, and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing.
   That 'joy' which sleeps here when dying, mistaking the approach of death for the return of health, whispered with its latest breath, "I am better now". Let us believe in spite of doubts and dogmas, tears and fears, that these dear words are true of all the countless dead, be it dead words, people or even emotions...

Conclusion of the journey of the long day is bound to be a night and this fact is no secret.....Every 'day' deserves a night and the biological diary demand a sleep and it is wise to fulfill the demand......

Thursday, April 21, 2011


There is something in that chest at the size of my fist working continuously without a break and gives me this feel that I am into life. Beautiful isn't it.?
Just recently I 've realized that all what we want is around us, but its just that god has put it everywhere around , so as to confuse, ain't he.? And I have come to realizing - when everything goes wrong, trust the 'champion'...The champion in you..

Yes, there is a champion  existing, You dont have to be scared and there is an answer for all that mess that going on in your mind...Am serious, trust me for once...Sometimes  the sorrow is overburdening, but then at the right time comes that 'champion' and gives us the strength to carry on and we know we can survive.
So next time, whenever You feel like hope is gone, look within yourself and you will know the truth, that the champion lies in you.

Its not all that easy to face the world alone and still follow your dreams, but don't let anyone tear them away.
Lets hold on, there will be a tomorrow and in time we shall find the way....

I know its hard on a rainy just feel like shutting the door and being alone,
but dont run out of your faith..because sometimes that mountain we have been climbing is just a grain of sand...But its ok, whatever we have been looking for, is in our hands...

When we are surrounded by darkness on all sides, there is this champion's loud voice that says-


and the champion whispers in the dark-" listen, i am alive ".............
AUDI-VIT= the inner voice.....


Saturday, March 26, 2011

CASEFILE- We Can Fight It.

Those bodies there fighting that dreadful nightmare of a disease seem to agree, that the life led is now almost on the verge of getting lost.  They are driving down that road with the lights kept low and their tears are wiped off before it’s allowed to breathe.
Together we weep as anguish hits the final stop, falling hard, those bonds of comfort now lost in the wind….Is that the end.? Sympathy or empathy, is that all we can do.?...Of course there is a hope. The power of the mind is what prevails. MIND OVER MATTER.. No one has been able to simplify that mind…
‘A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses’. And today we have all done this one feat for sure..-we have given this rose to somebody who so needed to have it.
The fight for that ‘disease of destruct’ is a tough one and Someday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and then we'll need no other light…
‘Nothing is worth more than this day’ and it’s a Casefile-believe me, we have made a successful attempt to fight it…’Cheers’ to all of us for the nobility..

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Sometimes  I seriously feel like smacking that jerk who came out with the phrase ‘everything shall be alright and time shall heal everything.'...what nonsense….which human in a pure condition of sanity would think like this when things in his life have gone all out for a toss.? But guess what, that idiot who came out with that phrase was actually right….Time does change but it is so damn hard to believe this..

We all have an unforgettable past, an irremovable memory and I wonder how many would agree with me that its next to impossible to convince the mind at such times and not feel sad.
The story here goes like this: ‘The rain came down, the streams rose high and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall..You know why.? Because it had its foundations on the ROCK.

In worst cases sometimes, we tend to bury our emotions or pretend everything is alright. But it isn’t, lets face it and it will never be unless we eliminate all the negative belief systems that are causing us to feel this way.

But the point goes; Our past is not fatal; mistakes are not final; failure is not the end. 
Are you willing to pursue what you know is God’s call on your life, even though you have made mistakes and encountered a set back?  Will you begin to flesh back because of a setback? Or will you come back in the power of the Spirit, and rise above the mistake, pulling down the negative strongholds in your life, while establishing power filled positive spiritual strongholds?
                          Not that I have attained or already been made perfect, it’s just that I had to make my hand hold its own.We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.
Just try and have a look at the past, ‘the good old days’ , they are gone!  they are all history, never to be repeated again..
I wont count myself  to have apprehended: but this one thing  I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of my soul....

For all those moments which are gone and are nothing more, whose memory we dont want to have-believe me(i know what I am saying sounds like utter rubbish right now),  together:- 'WE SHALL OVERCOME'

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Encore means once more..

Life, a condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms. 
That means there is a clear cut discrimination between the living and non living things. More so we have got an amazing life to relish with so much to learn and so much to look forward to, even when we are at a ditch or amidst the night surrounded by darkness around. We have heard this numerous times, that 'life's battles do not always go to the faster or stronger man, but the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can.'

 In the battle of life, it is not the critic who counts; nor the one who points out how the strong person stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better.
“The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually strive to do deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotion, spends oneself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he or she fails, at least fails while daring greatly.
“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”
-Theodore Roosevelt 

God has put us here all for a purpose and,
God's work is perfect....every work of god is wrought by a perfect plan,by a perfect agency with the most suitable instruments and with infallible success...failure belongs to man,not god...

Living our dreams and the life of our choice in between managing all things is not an easy task, nevertheless we can.


So lets live those happy joyous moments within ourselves again, lets party with our selves again, lets live life all over again...For all the good times in our life, lets say this- 'ONCE MORE.......!!! '

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Without a doubt our present technology has reached a catch-22 situation that is to say 'a no-win situation'. That is not an indication that our scope for growth has decreased, but it has definitely the spirits to keep the fire of passion within us burning, so much so that it does not allow us to sleep early without accomplishing our tasks, enjoying life to its fullest, so on and so forth. Today checking out social networking sites has become a part of our daily chores.

Amidst all this, maintaining our true culture has not lost its charm. I do not mean by culture the compression and concentration of the pedant, although frequently he has the raw material out of which culture can be made. In the sense that I am using it, culture represents a synthesis, a putting together of things, so completely that that the combination has an individuality of its own. It may only be an amalgam, it is better if it be a chemical combination. "Culture does not exist in the form of powder, a mere mass of incoherent particles" as said by Owen Young.

We ought to give importance to every minute detail importance. as we all know, the vital part of the bulb is the tungsten wire inside the bulb. The great invention in that lamp was the discovery of way to convert metallic tungsten into wire. One day, courageous and daring men determined that the obstinate metal should be conquered and it was. So you see the power of the state of mind.?

We should fuse at white heat the several particles of our learning into an element so ductible and so strong that nothing can destroy it, without destroying us.

My point here is that it is not enough to learn a few subjects in an insulated compartment. It is not even enough to gather them up as separate particles into a powder which we can carry out with our degree. They must be fused and integrated.