Saturday, March 5, 2011


Sometimes  I seriously feel like smacking that jerk who came out with the phrase ‘everything shall be alright and time shall heal everything.'...what nonsense….which human in a pure condition of sanity would think like this when things in his life have gone all out for a toss.? But guess what, that idiot who came out with that phrase was actually right….Time does change but it is so damn hard to believe this..

We all have an unforgettable past, an irremovable memory and I wonder how many would agree with me that its next to impossible to convince the mind at such times and not feel sad.
The story here goes like this: ‘The rain came down, the streams rose high and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall..You know why.? Because it had its foundations on the ROCK.

In worst cases sometimes, we tend to bury our emotions or pretend everything is alright. But it isn’t, lets face it and it will never be unless we eliminate all the negative belief systems that are causing us to feel this way.

But the point goes; Our past is not fatal; mistakes are not final; failure is not the end. 
Are you willing to pursue what you know is God’s call on your life, even though you have made mistakes and encountered a set back?  Will you begin to flesh back because of a setback? Or will you come back in the power of the Spirit, and rise above the mistake, pulling down the negative strongholds in your life, while establishing power filled positive spiritual strongholds?
                          Not that I have attained or already been made perfect, it’s just that I had to make my hand hold its own.We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.
Just try and have a look at the past, ‘the good old days’ , they are gone!  they are all history, never to be repeated again..
I wont count myself  to have apprehended: but this one thing  I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of my soul....

For all those moments which are gone and are nothing more, whose memory we dont want to have-believe me(i know what I am saying sounds like utter rubbish right now),  together:- 'WE SHALL OVERCOME'

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